Please do not try to install libraries described here,
since they are currently fairly outdated and
the support libraries have changed,
rendering the examples useless for now!
The Metamatic™ framework sits very well together with React routing scheme. The following
example of a React main class implementing both React-Routes and Metamatic-based state container would look somewhat like this:
In the example above, a React app’s main class connects to a store ‘STORE_AUTHORIZATION’ from which it obtains an important
information, namely, whether the user is loggedIn or not. Based on that info, it then renders two exclusive routing strategies.
One which is for a user that is not logged in and another for someone who is logged in. Certainly, for those who are not logged in,
it’s only meaningful to show a “Log In” view but those who are in will be provided the full scale of navigation urls inside the App.