URL-Based Application States With Metamatic's CONNECT Event
EDIT 2021-12-31: this article is deprecated!
Please do not try to install libraries described here,
since they are currently fairly outdated and
the support libraries have changed,
rendering the examples useless for now!
The Problem of State Defining Sub-URLs
A very typical situation in JavaScript based web apps is that they use client-side urls, where application’s specific sub-urls are handled by the JavaScript client in the way that ReactJS router does, among other similar frameworks.
For example there is a use case that your application provides the user with a possibility to select some option and when the user makes their choice, the JavaScript app should then load the relevant data snippet into browser’s memory over Ajax request.
That kind of use case would be for instance a situation when the user is asked to select a car model from a list. In the example, the JavaScript application loads a details data snippet for the selected car when users selects a car by clicking on it. When the data is loaded the app then redirects to another view that renders the loaded data.
For the details view it is straightforward to render details data because this data already exists in browsers’s memory when the component, CarDetails in particular, is instantiated. The car selection event was bound to car details loading function!
Now, that solution has a grave shortcoming - if you forward that car details link to a friend and they open it, the application won’t show the right results because the function to load the needed car details is only bound to a click listener that is in the different view: the app does not know how to load and show the right data when the user enters the details view over a direct URL link.
Therefore the application must understand to load the relevant details data also based on the application’s URL, not only a click listener inside some other view.
The Solution
That’s where Metamatic’s CONNECT system event comes to help. Let’s say that the user opens URL https://metamatic-car-app.herokuapp.com/cars/4 that is mapped in the router to CarDetails component:
<Route exact path='/cars/:carId' component={CarDetails}/>
Now this setting will cause that when the user opens a url with car’s ID then CarDetails component will be rendered. Therefore, the CarDetails view must have access to the corresponding car data that is being centrally maintained in the app’s store.
Therefore CarDetails component must be connected to Metamatic™ store that holds car details. Using Metamatic™ framework with ReactJS, the connection must be done in component’s componentDidMount life cycle function:
componentDidMount = () => connectToStore(this, STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM, (store) => this.setState(store));
In the example, when CarDetails component is instantiated, it’s local state is entirely replaced with a copy of Metamatic’s car model item store of which name is STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM.
Then CarDetails component just must trust that the store contains the needed data, carModelDetails. Now we must make sure that the store will ensure the availability of that data. The store must load the relevant data not only when user selected the car model in another view but also when CarDetails was invoked through /cars/:carId sub-URL.
How to Implement CONNECT Event Handler
For this use case Metamatic™ framework provides a very practical solution. In Metamatic, every time a component is connected to a store, this action will automatically fire a corresponding system event with syntax CONNECT/STORE_NAME_HERE that is launched into the application-wide bit-space.
On the store side of a Metamatic app, the store can be initialized to listen for CONNECT event:
import {handleEvent} from 'metamatic';
export const CarModelStore = () => handleEvent(CONNECT_CAR_MODEL_ITEM, () => loadCarModelDetailsByUrl());
In the example above we define CarModelStore() function that actually makes Metamatic™ State Manager listen for CONNECT/STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM event. When such event occurs, car model details will be loaded based on the car model ID that is described in the URL path.
When CarDetails component is connected to Metamatic™ store with name STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM, a system event CONNECT/STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM is fired by Metamatic™ framework. An example implementation of the actual loadCarModelDetailsByUrl function could look like this:
const extractCarModelIdFromUrl = () => {
const url = window.location.href;
const id = (url.split('/cars/')[1] || '').split('/order')[0];
return id;
const loadCarModelDetailsByUrl = () => {
const carModelId = extractCarModelIdFromUrl();
const loadCarModelDetails = (carModelId) => {
.then((response) => setCarModelDetails(response.data));
Be free to use any else library than axios to load the details over Ajax. And be free to extract the car model ID in a more elegant way than my example :) The point is however that when car model details are loaded then STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM must be updated to contain that data:
const setCarModelDetails = (carModelDetails) => updateStore(STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM, {
Updating the store will fire a STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM event will dispatch the actual store STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM to all listeners. Then CarDetails component will receive that store and have access to the desired carModelDetails state inside that store!
Routing URLs
A great benefit of this way of binding URL patterns to stores is that every time any component is bound to STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM store it will make the store to act, namely, optionally loading car model details. Fo the Car App, there are actually several URLs that will require the application to know car details data:
- Car details https://metamatic-car-app.herokuapp.com/cars/4
- Car order form https://metamatic-car-app.herokuapp.com/cars/4/order
- Order confirmation page https://metamatic-car-app.herokuapp.com/cars/4/confirmation
Then you must edit the Router component to define which view components actually respond to the URL patterns described above:
<Route exact path='/cars/:carId' component={CarDetails}/>
<Route exact path='/cars/:carId/order' component={OrderView}/>
<Route exact path='/cars/:carId/confirmation' component={OrderConfirmationView}/>
Since all those components need the car details data they connect to STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM in their constructor. And STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM, in turn, then loads the car details when needed. Putting all this together, to create views that can be accessed through a distinct URL, you need to do following things:
- Use Metamatic’s CONNECT event to make a store to optionally load data when a component connects.
- Connect the component to store in the constructor.
- Define state-defining URLs for renderer components in React router.
What About State Connectors
The examples above described a use case of connecting a component to an entire store. Connecting a component to an entire store fits well when the contents of the store are quite similar to the data actually needed by the component. However, connecting a component to an entire store will cause the component to refresh every time the store is updated. If the state inside the store that was updated is something actually not used by the connected component then the store update event will cause an unnecessary refresh of the component. This, while usually not a critical problem, might potentially cause performance issues if there’s a lot of data and if it’s updated often.
Also you may want to keep your code logical and when you connect your component to a state you may not want the component to receive states that are actually not needed by the component at all.
Therefore Metamatic also offers a possibility to connect to a nested state inside a store with connectToState function and to multiple states inside a store with connectToStates function. Using these connectors the component will be listening to only one sub-part of the store. Then updating the store will only cause re-rendering of the listener component if exactly the sub-state in question was updated:
componentDidMount = () => connectToStates(this, STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM, {
'carModelDetails.model': (model) => this.setState({...this.state, model}),
'carModelDetails.speed': (speed) => this.setState({...this.state, speed}),
Namely, if you connect your component to a particular nested state inside a store instead, using connectToState or function, will fire two distinct CONNECT events. It will fire a state-related event with format CONNECT/[STORE_NAME]:[NESTED_STATE_NAME], and a store-related CONNECT/[STORE_NAME]
And if you connect the component to many states inside a store using connectToStates then for each state CONNECT/[STORE_NAME]:[NESTED_STATE_NAME] is fired and finally one CONNECT/[STORE_NAME] event is fired. For example, you want to connect your React component to nested states model and speed inside carModelDetails state inside store STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM:
Invoking connectToStates the way described above, will cause Metamatic fire system three events CONNECT/STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM:carModelDetails.model and CONNECT/STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM:carModelDetails.speed and finally CONNECT/STORE_CAR_MODEL_ITEM event.
Complete Example
Find a complete example application to showcase Metamatic™ CONNECT event here.