
Hello again and shiny month of March 2024!

Last time I wrote an article to showcase how MongoDB can be used in a relational way. To continue from that point, I want to stop here for a second to ask you this question. What is the right database for you?

In my previous article I showed that MongoDB can be used similarly to an SQL database. Some readers might think these days it’s a severe sin (or at least horrific abuse) to use MongoDB in a relational way.

Now, let’s not be too single-minded even here, because it all depends!

The trade-off

If your objective is to serve billions, not millions, queries to your data during a certain time unit, or if you want to access collections with billions, not millions entries, it is likely that you should cache and combine the data into all-in-one collections and do whatever you can to prevent lookups from occuring.

However, optimizing queries for speed means sacrificing flexibility. If your data is not really big and the performance isn’t the bottle neck but instead you need to provide a flexible way to allow queries to look at the data creatively from different angles, a relational model is the best fit. This is the trade-off between the relational and document-like ways to see the world.


Two worlds

Now the fantastic thing about MongoDB is that it allows you to take both approaches. A very typical scenario is that some of your data is “big” and some is “small”. Let’s say that you have some measurement instruments or server logs that produce huge amounts of data. Obviously, a document database model is the best match to make queries to this kind of data. On the other hand, your employee or customer data is different. Typically this kind of data contains a limited number of entries that isn’t accumulating at a huge speed. Obviously, you need two different database engines for these two domains. You need something like AWS DynamoDB for measurements or logs and something like Postgres SQL database for eveything else.

This may be a source of quite some extra headache because you have then two different databases for two different type of data, that require you to have two different systems for these two different things. You have to pair two systems, two worlds, two groups of engineers, two different platforms etc. Now the fantastic thing about MongoDB is that you can use this one database management system for both big data and not so big data.

In my previous article I wrote about writing lookups for MongoDB, which enables you to use it somewhat similarly to SQL databases. However, if your intention is to provide a low latency system that allows to perform super fast queries into huge data sets, obviously lookups aren’t the ideal way to go. When you want to provide a rapid access to data sets, MongoDB provides a fantastic architecture to combine data into collections that already are the perfect match for their queries. This approach serves well scenarios where it can be assumed that there is a rather fixed set of queries that clients will be constantly executing.

It’s all about caching

Denormalizing data from multiple sources into collections unarguably causes data duplication - it is actually all about caching. Doing data denormalization to achieve velocity means sacrificing storage space to save processing time. To query data from collections with billions, not millions of entries, we want to avoid complex lookups and SQLish approach to queries. To learn more about strategies for reducing lookup operations, I recommend to have a look at this article.


How to start getting cloudy with MongoDB

If you are a hands-on person (like me) and can’t wait to actually start getting productive with database development, the next thing that probably crosses your mind is where should I start right now? Depending on your prerequisites, there are a few alternatives. For starters, if you ever want to create a serious business system that interacts with any database, you have to host your system somewhere. Nowadays it practically means that you must deploy your software to a cloud. Which begs the question what cloud is the best for you. So you have to make up your mind on which “planet” you want to live on. The two major ecosystems to choose from at the time being are Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure. Amazon AWS has been longer around than Microsoft Azure and is therefore somewhat more widely adopted. However, Microsoft Azure ecosystem is rapidly catching up with Amazon AWS and is only slightly behind in terms of market share.

Now, back to MongoDB. If you want to go for MongoDB and wonder how to implement your cloud-based business system on top of it, let’s examine how to possibly go about it in each mentioned cloud enviroment.

Amazon AWS

If you have to choose AWS, just go ahead and install AWS SAM tool - as suprising as it may sound. Namely, this tool isn’t anything Mongo-specific. So let me explain my thinking!

When you want to start using MongoDB Atlas Data API on AWS, you need to use AWS API Gateway. You may want to implement your lambdas as code on your machine and neatly deploy your creation to the cloud from the command line. To create your first API Gateway application with SAM and Python language, have a look at this workshop. You can develop Lambda functions with many languages, such as Java, JavaScript, Ruby, TypeScript, GO etc. However, statistically speaking you (a visitor on this page) most likely want to write your functions with Python - because it just happens to be the most popular programming language these days.

Microsoft Azure

To get started implementing scalable MongoDB-based cloud services on Microsoft Azure, consider including this tutorial in your roadmap’s first steps to construct a robust business grade ASP.NET based web API. When you are done, proceed to the next superb tutorial for creating your first Mongo app on core.


These both services provide a roughly comparable development and deployment experience. However, in the follow-up articles I will be having a look at Azure based cloud development specifically. It doesn’t necessarily mean that I personally favor one over other. I hope my opinion clarifies during this journey and I can also provide something useful to you too.